在家人以及网友的“好言”相劝下, 我已经删除某些相片。
我相信他打狗的行为是被他(她)人指使的所以我不会再为难他。 也希望他以后不要轻信他言做些莫名其妙的事。 因为这样没有人会同情你, 也没有人会站出来替你撑腰。
不要利用你们的职权来恐吓人民, 以免被起诉!有些人或许被你们吓倒不敢吭声不过头上三尺有神明。 你的一举一动老天爷会记录起来的!
7 Mac 2011 @ See Hua Daily News
它有多痛? |
On 27th Feb 2011, Kuching, rained.
My dog, Honey was found sheltering in a neighbour's house opposited my house. My dog was sheltering in the garage just because our gate was closed. Just after awhile, a man reached the house,
he got into the compound and my dog with its tail wagging hoping
that he would open the gate and let him out from the compound. Never expected that the owner Yong XX (76010513XXXX) H/P : 016868XXXX
locked the gate and beaten up my dog on his head with a stick.
(The owner at the back yard witnessed the inccident) Luckily my dog managed to escape from the back yard through the fencing gap. My dog has had his left face swollen and nose bleeding for hours . I called a vet and the vet told me that my dog had serious attacks.
After the incident, we (away in KL) advised my daughter to get the contact no of the idiot. He was informed by the tenant and the couple were trying to make some issue again that evening. They called 2 of their friends and the two of them were disguised as police personnel and trying to intimidate my son. They insisted to lodge a police report and blame my son for intimidate him. The wife also challenged us to call a police and reporter to report this issue. Any way, after the polis taken his statement, the idiot failed to give signature just because he realised he had done wrong and appolozied to my daughter. I wish to bring up this issue because we are animal lovers, we don't want this incident to be happened again in future. We need to remind animal lovers to protect our pets.
This report had been forwarded to SPCA Kuala Lumpur, SSPCA Kuching and
State Veterinary Department FNA.